Have you experienced a failed root canal? Or are you wondering if you need retreatment? At Access Endodontics, we understand how daunting it can be to undergo treatment for a second time. This is why we would like to take a minute to discuss endodontic retreatment and what is to be expected if it’s recommended for you.
If you’re in need of endodontic retreatment services in Ellicott City, MD, call our team at 410.304.7226. Led by Dr. Lina Jarboe and Dr. Burton Waxman, we’re here to relieve pain, save teeth, and provide excellent care for all of our patients.
What Is Retreatment?
Retreatment is simply another term for doing a root canal on a tooth that was previously treated. This can happen for any number of reasons, including new infections or decay that developed after the initial procedure. Taking care of your teeth after a root canal is essential to ensuring that it lasts for years to come.
Sometimes, retreatment becomes necessary because the first root canal wasn’t done properly. Whatever the cause, retreatment means that your dentist will need to go in and redo the root canal in order to save your natural tooth structure and prevent further infection or decay.
Sometimes retreatment may require additional steps beyond the initial procedure, such as additional cleaning and shaping of the canals or removal of posts that were placed during the first treatment. Your endodontist will be able to give you more information about these procedures during your appointment if they are necessary.
Signs You Need Root Canal Retreatment
While retreatment is often done after a root canal fails, it can also be recommended if you’re experiencing new pain or inflammation. Other signs that could indicate you may need retreatment include:
- Persistent pain or discomfort in the tooth, even after taking medications
- Swelling around the area
- A discoloration of the tooth
- Recurring infection, such as an abscess
These are all signs that the first root canal procedure was not successful, and retreatment is likely necessary to save your tooth.
What Should I Expect During Retreatment?
The process for retreatment is similar to that of an initial root canal. Your endodontist will begin by reviewing your medical history and taking X-rays of the problematic area to diagnose the issue correctly. Once this has been done, they will administer local anesthesia to numb the area before beginning any work.
At this stage, your endodontist will clean out all traces of infection from inside the tooth before sealing it up with a temporary filling material as a protective measure until your permanent restoration can be put in place. Once complete, all that remains is to set up an appointment with your primary dentist for a final restoration so you may get back to smiling comfortably again.
Contact Access Endodontics for Root Canal Retreatment
Retreatment is often necessary when previous root canal treatments don’t go according to plan or fail altogether due to new infections or to later decay. The process itself isn’t much different than an initial root canal but may require additional steps depending on what needs to be done during retreatment. At Access Endodontics, we have years of experience helping our patients understand their options and providing them with quality care throughout their treatment process. If you think you might need retreatment, contact us today and let us help guide you through every step.
Call 410.304.7226 or reach out to our team online to get started.